Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Quiet on the home front

Sorry all yous out there. Nothing much of note going on up here and you can believe when we say for once, no news is good news. We are slowly getting settled in our new house, and we love it.

Hibbing has been experiencing some beautiful fall colors, and our new neighborhood is quite picturesque. We'd have taken some photos, but the camera is still packed somewhere....

Monday, September 29, 2008

Out with the old, in with the new

We did it!

Saturday, we moved everything we needed into the new house and slept there the first time. On Sunday, we got the odds and ends moved over and Cole unpacked the kitchen (among other activities in the kitchen, too lengthy and painful to list here). Today, Cole is cleaning the old place and we should have phone/Internet at 5pm.

Again, wow.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Big Switch


As of today, the old house is mostly empty up to the second floor. The new house is looking good with all of our stuff in it and there won't be much settling in once we are there for good.

We will sleep at the old place on Friday night and get the rest of our stuff moved on Saturday, leaving Sunday-Tuesday for final cleaning. For those who wish to call, we'll have phone/Internet in the old place through Sunday, then at the new place after 5pm on Monday (same number, Yay!).

Cole is doing the lion's share of the packing since Chuck has to work during the day, so please send her good thoughts, feelings and karma. It has been hard, but we are already happy in the new place, and we aren't even living there yet!

Almost There

We just wanted to post a little note to any friends and family who are watching our blog to tell you that tomorrow is our big day. Our plan is to try very hard to get the rest of our belongings moved to the new house before we end the day tomorrow so we can be done and relax on Sunday with out having to worry about moving anymore. Yay!!!

Of course this means our computer and phone will be taken offline some time Saturday and as the Internet/phone service is not set to be turned on at the new house until Monday or Tuesday we may be hard to reach for a few days. We will still have access to our email at the library, but we may be too busy to go over and check. Hang in there, we'll check in with everyone once we are settled in.

Needless to say, we are all excited, but stressed out. Please wish us luck and hope the weather is accommodating tomorrow!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Getting There, One Trunk Load At A Time

Does it feel like we will never get moved into our new house? Well, it sure does from this end. It was the move that never ends, it just went on and on my friends....

Well, we are getting closer as the count down shows:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Drowning in Paint

Greetings friends and family!

Cole, Chuck, Miri and even Frippen have been in the paint since before Labor Day getting our new house ready! If you are watching the count down, you know we're almost there! Good thing too, 'cause we're all getting sick of painting and ripping up old carpet. But it will be worth it, it is indeed a far, far better place we go to.

We promise some photos once all the painting is done and the old carpet is out.

Monday, August 25, 2008

To a far, far better place...

Without going into the details, we have decided to move to another house in Hibbing. Let's just say that Dibley Manor was not a good fit for the family. As of September 28, we will be in residence at the new house, which we have dubbed "Roses Cottage."

Some background: when Chuck came to Hibbing in January, he had no permanent place for the family, so, while he looked for one, he was allowed to stay in a house owned by a member of the library board. This place was really the home of that lady's mother, who had been moved to an assisted living facility. It is a fantastic little house, well kept and in great structural shape. But it was sitting empty and Cole thought that was a shame, so she convinced the owners to let us rent it. The lady who used to live there is named Rose, so in her honor, we dubbed the house "Roses Cottage." (We love how the British name their homes!)

Once we are there, we'll give you some updates. Till then: