Monday, July 14, 2008

A Sponge-tastic Party

According to reliable sources, July 14 is Spongebob's birthday. So we decided to throw him a birthday party at the Hibbing Public Library. There was cake, punch and prizes for everyone who sang "Happy Birthday" to everyone's favorite sponge.

As you can see in the group picture, Miriam made sure the guest of honor showed up!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Sleepy Frip

Our buddy Jenn has always had the ability to get Frippen to be still. Here is photographic proof. Thanks, Jenn for both the photo and the calm dog!

All sliding, all the time

The great thing about living in a small town is that it is easy to get to the playground. And, as always, play "Spot Frippen" in this video.